
Bachelor/Master Thesis Topics

We aim for integration of both Bachelor and Master thesis projects into ongoing research and development activities at STCE. Many topics are embedded in our ongoing collaboration with the Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd., Oxford, UK.

Current topics include the following:

  • Integration of artificial neural networks given in ONNX format into numerical simulation and optimization solutions;
  • Coupling of machine learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) with numerical simulation and optimization solutions;
  • Scalable parallelism for numerical simulation and optimization.

Talk to us in order to find out more about further topics linking Algorithmic Differentiation (AD; also: The Art of Differentiating Computer Programs) and

  • numerical methods
  • software tool development / compiler methods
  • static and dynamic program analysis
  • concurrency and high-performance computing
  • combinatorial optimization
  • applications in diverse areas of computational science, engineering and finance