Seminar: Algorithmic Differentiation
General Information
- first and higher derivatives by overloading with dco/c++
- Leppkes, Lotz, Naumann: dco/c++: Derivative Code by Overloading in C++. NAG TR2/20, 2020. [www]
- first and higher derivatives by source transformation with TAPENADE
- Hascoet,Pascual: The Tapenade Automatic Differentiation tool: principles, model, and specification, ACM TOMS 39(3), 2013. [www]
- detection and exploitation of Jacobian sparsity with dco/c++
- Gebremedhin, Manne, Pothen: What Color Is Your Jacobian? Graph Coloring for Computing Derivatives, SIAM, 2005. [www]
- detection and exploitation of Hessian sparsity with dco/c++
- Gebremedhin, Manne, Pothen: What Color Is Your Jacobian? Graph Coloring for Computing Derivatives, SIAM, 2005. [www]
- Gebremedhin, Manne, Pothen: What Color Is Your Jacobian? Graph Coloring for Computing Derivatives, SIAM, 2005. [www]
- expression templates for AD by overloading
- Phipps, Pawlowski: Efficient Expression Templates for Operator Overloading-based Automatic Differentiation. arXiv:1205.3506, 2012. [www]
- static activity and to-be-recorded analyses for adjoint AD with TAPENADE
- Hascoet, Naumann, Pascual: `To be recorded″ analysis in reverse-mode automatic differentiation, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2005.
- unconstrained nonlinear optimization by using gradient descent and (quasi-)Newton methods with the NAG Library and dco/c++
- Naumann: Introduction to Numerical Methods and Software, SS20. [www]
- unconstrained nonlinear optimization by using gradient descent and (quasi-)Newton methods with JuliaDiff
- Naumann: Introduction to Numerical Methods and Software, SS20. [www]
- back-propagation and algorithms for training artificial neural networks with TensorFlow
- Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville: The Deep Learning Book, MIT Press. [www]
- solution of ordinary differential equations using Taylor arithmetic with ADOL-C
- Corliss, Chang: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations Using Taylor Series, ACM TOMS 8(2), 1982. [www]
- higher derivative tensors through univariate Taylor series with ADOL-C
- Griewank, Utke, Walther: Evaluating higher derivative tensors by forward propagation of univariate Taylor series, Math. of Comp. 69(231), 2000. [www]
Name : Topic
Bilgili : 1
Stante : 3
Dahi : 5
Sayegh : 8
Kunze : 10
Important Dates
16:30 - 18:00 Room 231, IT Center
- 19.10.2023 Motivate Presentations
- 30.11.2023 Teach Presentations
- 18.01.2024 Sell Presentations
General References
- Naumann: The Art of Differentiating Computer Programs, SIAM, 2012.
- Griewank, Walther: Evaluating Derivatives, SIAM, 2008.
- Presentation template