Getting Started with Virtual STCE Teaching Machine
- Make sure that you have approx. 10GB of disc space available.
- Install and start VirtualBox (see for guidance).
- Download the compressed VirtualBox image (
This may take a while (due to size of 3.1GB) depending on your Internet connection.
- Unpack to get the two files stce-teaching.vbox and stce-teaching.vdi.
- Open the file stce-teaching.vbox with VirtualBox (double-click).
- Start the virtual machine "stce-teaching".
- Your user name is "stce", so is your password.
- Click on the "Terminal Emulator" icon to open a Linux shell.
- Type "cd ../$(COURSE)" at the command line, where $(COUSRE) corresponds to the name of your course.
- Type "." (mind the dot) at the command line.
- Type "make check" at the command line. Numerous programs
should be built and run without errors. This may take several minutes.
- Type "make clean" to remove all files generated by the build process.
- Click on the "Web Browser" icon to run the chromium Web browser.
Open, for example, this page to validate Internet access.
- Familiarize with a text editor of your choice (gedit, nano, vi are preinstalled).
You will need one of them to complete the exercises during the course.
- Optionally, you may want to take a look at some basic Linux commands, e.g. here.
- Any problems? Contact: