Compiler Construction Proseminar

General Information

... on the administrative structure of the seminar can be found here.

Course on Literature Research

You are required to participate in a course on literature research organized by the Computer Science Library. Further details can be found here.


References to chapters in the dragon book serve as entry points into the subject. 

  1. lexical analysis and scanner generator flex [3]
  2. syntactical analysis [4]
  3. parser generator ANTLR
  4. parser generator Bison [4.9]
  5. attribute grammars and syntax-directed translation [5]
  6. intermediate representation [6]
  7. code generation and optimization [8]
  8. intraprocedural data-flow analysis [9]
  9. parallelism [11]
  10. interprocedural data-flow analysis [12]


  • Kick-Off: 11.04.2025 at 8am, room 231, IT Center, Seffenter Weg 23.
  • Proposal (MOTIVATE): Presentation on 25.04.2025 at 8am in room 231.
  • Intermediate presentation (TEACH). Presentation on 23.05.2025 at 8am in room 231
  • Final presentation (SELL). Presentation on 04.07.2025 at 8am in room 231.
  • Publication (PDF report) by 18.07.2025 at 11:59pm.