++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dco 0.9 Windows binaries generated under Windows 7 Enterprise with Visual Studio 2010 Uwe Naumann, May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Getting Started - download dco_0.9.zip - unpack to get dco_0.9/dco_0.9 (dco library) dco_0.9/dco_0.9_examples (examples) - open dco_0.9_examples with Visual Studio 2010 - select project from dco_t1s (gradient in tangent-linear mode) dco_a1s (gradient in adjoint mode) dco_t2s_t1s (Hessian in second-order tangent-linear mode) dco_t2s_a1s (Hessian in second-order adjoint mode) - select binary version from Debug Win32 Debug x64 Release Win32 Release x64 e.g. Debug Win32 - e.g. dco_a1s: build and run (F5) to get gradient for n=5 7.79227 3.89613 2.59742 1.94807 1.55845 - e.g. dco_t2s_a1s: build and run (F5) to get Hessian for n=3 16.2678 4.84 3.22667 4.84 9.00778 1.61333 3.22667 1.61333 7.66333